:: Eversong ::

A collection of my poetry, writing and scribblings.
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:: Tuesday, July 20, 2004 ::

Could there be a time? (Chris Turner)

Could there be a time,
When you and I share a moment,
That perfect time when everything stops,
And you have eyes for only me?
Could there be a time,
When I hold you close to me,
That perfect time when you look at me,
And sigh that loving sigh?
Could there be a time,
When nothing matters,
That perfect time we share together,
And being together is enough?
Could there be a time,
When you lie down next to me,
That perfect time we know each other,
And create something beautiful?

Could there be a time,
When I give in to foolish shyness,
That perfect time I open up to you,
And tell you how much I love you?
I don't do love poetry too well. This is just a quick scribble, but as always, I hope anyone that reads it likes it.

:: Plod 3:13 PM [+] ::
:: Monday, May 17, 2004 ::

Take it All Away (Chris Turner)

Everything's around me,
Everything's so fake,
The world moves on without me,
And everyone is so messed up.
Preoccupied with broken fantasies,
I cannot live at all.

If you could take it all away,
If you could get anything you'd want,
You'd make it go away,
Just playing your games with me.

Everything surrounds me,
Everyone's so bleak,
People stare straight at me,
And everything is so messed up.
Preoccupied with shallow parts to play,
I cannot live at all.

:: Plod 4:14 PM [+] ::

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