:: Eversong ::

A collection of my poetry, writing and scribblings.
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:: Thursday, December 19, 2002 ::

With a Glance of your Eyes (Chris Turner)

With your sweet words,
I lost my heart to you.
With a flutter of lashes,
I was drawn to your soul.

With your radiant smile,
I melted inside.
With a charming whisper,
I knew what sweetness was.

With your gentle nature,
I found something wonderful.
With your strength,
I learnt what tenderness was.

But with a glance of your eyes,
I learned how hard love could be.
:: Plod 3:30 PM [+] ::


Welcome to my poetry and writing repository. I felt I needed somewhere to store my work, and here seemed like the ideal place - not only can it be viewed by those with a curious interest, but it's also very simple to maintain and keep up to date. Much of what is here is written on the spur of the moment, and is generally impulsive, but I do also intend to keep my better works in here too. I hope you enjoy what you find in here.
:: Plod 3:30 AM [+] ::

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